Bill Alexander

Roslin Legion Scotland stalwart Bill Alexander passed away in his 84th year on Boxing Day 2021. He served in the RAF from 1955 until 1959, spending time in both Germany and Cyprus. After that, he worked as a black cab driver in Edinburgh for 50 years but would always find time for the domino and bingo nights at the Roslin club. He and his wife, Molly, celebrated their 25th, 40th, 50th and 60th anniversaries at the club. Bill will be remembered by Molly, children Kerry and David, his grandchildren, and all the friends he made at Roslin Legion Scotland branch club.



William Currie Dutch Scott

William Currie Dutch Scott, better known as Billy, passed away on 19 November 2021. He served with the Armoured Division Signal Regiment from July 1982 until October 1983, and upon his return to Kirkcaldy, in Fife, he quickly signed up to the local Royal British Legion Scotland Club. His commitment to the branch was unwavering and he never missed a meeting. Members of the Kirkcaldy Legion Scotland branch were joined by counterparts from across the country at his memorial service on 14 December 2021.