Stewart Hamilton Taylor

Stewart was a weel kent member of the Knightswood branch and club, having served on committee and as a Standard Bearer.
Stewart served in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers from 1945 – 1948 and attained the rank of Corporal. He was accompanied at the crematorium by a colour-bearing party with the REME and branch colours.
He will be sadly missed by all who knew him and our kind thoughts go to his wife Iris and family.
Iris served as Branch/Club Assistant Treasurer until, latterly, she had to attend more to Stewart.


David Allan Boyers

David Allan Boyers served with the Royal Artillery for 24 years. He had been deployed to Ireland when the troubles had started, and returned for a further 3 tours. He also served in Canada, Falklands and Belize. He was a very smart soldier and even when he left the army the soldier in him was always there. He is sorely missed.
Once a gunner always a gunner.


 Yvonne Cummins

Yvonne was a dedicated and conscientious family member and served on the Executive Committee as branch/club secretary. Sadly, Yvonne was diagnosed with CJD for which there is no cure.
She will be sadly missed by all who knew her and our kind thoughts go to her son Ross who must have been a great comfort to her during the latter months of her short accomplished life. We also send our condolences to her mum, dad and sister.


Donald Mason


Don, whose story appeared in a previous edition of Legion Scotland Today, passed away in his hundredth year. Although his background was in the midlands motor industry, his desire to fly led to an interesting war in the RAF.

Coming to Thurso later in life, he played a full part in our branch activities as long as he was able. He was invited to speak to school children under the lecture scheme 'Our Yesterday, Your Tomorrow'. Telling his wartime story simply, clearly and modestly he always enthralled them and was much in demand. Despite Covid-19 restrictions, the branch was represented at his funeral.